Your Father in Heaven loves you unconditionally

Happy Father's Day to our loving Heavenly Father who loves us all equally and eternally.

I just wanted to express my deepest gratitude to my Heavenly father who has blessed me and protected me all of my days. 

I had 2 fathers on this Earth - the one who raised me, and the one who gave me life. Even though both fathers have some prickly stories I won't be telling today, I have forgiven them both and love them unconditionally the way our Savior Jesus asked us to.

“Love everyone”, that's what he said. and he didnt just mean the nice people. 

As you know through my music, I have not lived an easy life. But I have learned that it isn't what happens TO you that matters; it's your attitude about life that moves you forward or backwatds. We choose our attitude about everything we experience. And in that choice, we grow and flourish, or we wither in the negative we create. 

Once I forgave and offered forgiveness to all, even for future wrongs or unknown things…I was made lighter. The burden of holding on to resentment, revenge fantasies or just the hard path of ongoing depression and anxiety through bringing past events into this future time right now…my goodness - that is too much for any one person to bare.

But, Jesus took that cross for YOU - so anything you have done or said could be forgiven. He loves you…and God loves you. 

So today, if just for one day, Let go and celebrate with me the Supernatural wonderment of our father in Heaven. In him we always have a good Father to honor, when this day arrives each year.

I love you all my brothers and sisters. I wish all Earthly dads and “dads to be” a fantastic Father's Day.